Sunday, May 31, 2009

Drinking Off the Job While At the Job

Well first off let me just say I had a great time at Poker night and look forward to the next one. For those that read my blog and don’t know what I’m talking about, tonight the community group I am a member of, The Phoenix Projects (, put on a poker night as a fundraiser. Anyhow one of the things that makes me happy is the fact that for the past few poker nights we’ve had I didn’t have enough chips at the end of the night to get this little dragon sculpture that I needed to even out my collection. You see on my dresser I have three big wizard sculptures and two little ones and until tonight I had three big dragon sculptures and only one small one so it was a little unbalanced, but now that I had enough chips I was able to get the dragon that had eluded me for months and balance out my collection.

Ok now that that’s out of the way and I still have more words to type I guess I’ll tell another Spee-D-Foods story. This story only involves two other people besides me; my pretty cool co-worker who I’ll call Bruce and a frequent customer by the name of “Wayne”. Well Bruce and I had been working together and closing together for a few months, and he was I pretty cool guy. Well one day he and I were closing and a few punk kids came into the store paid for about 60 dollars worth of gas made a huge mess in the restroom and left, without pumping their gas. So here we had some kids who left without getting the full 60 dollars of gas. Well the night went on and the kids never came back for the money. Well at the end of the night we have to makes sure there is no purchases pending on the register. Well we had to clear out the refund in the register. Since it was closing time and it had been about five hours since the kids trashed the restroom, we decided to accept it as a tip. Looking back I know I should have taken it out set it aside and left a note for my boss, but that’s not what we did.

So at closing time Wayne was in the store and Bruce and I decided we’d spend our tip on some Smirnov Ice. We each got a six pack, and after our work was done we clocked out and while waiting for the registers to produce the paperwork we went over to the tables that were set up for eating hot dogs or whatever and the three of us started drinking and bs-ing for about an hour. Little did we know that this would be Bruce’s last night there. The next day he was fired for smoking weed out the back door. So I guess it was kinda fitting that we did that the night before, after all how many people can say on the last night they worked at a job they got drunk? The best part was the store manager never knew about that night or, if he did he didn’t care.

Random Bachelor Card of the Day:”Pour a Prairie Fire (tequila and Tabasco sauce) down the hatch.”

Wow what a fitting card for the story I just told! I don’t think I could handle that though since hot stuff doesn’t exactly agree with my throat.

581 Words

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A night with the Knight

Wow I’d have to say this is the earliest latest I have posted since it is starting to go on 4 AM. Anyhow though the reason I’m still up at this time is I just got back from a late night hanging out with The Knight.

We started out the night, after dropping off my sister with Rook, by going to see the new Terminator movie and I must say I’m impressed. I loved the fact that they were using stuff like fighter jets, helicopters and what not because it makes sense. In all the other Terminator movies and the show, which will be sorely missed, they never show the resistance using any vehicles other than a submarine in the future. The other cool thing about the movie was that they sprinkled in little things for the fan boys.

After the movie we went to check out a local sports bar called Overtime to try and do some karaoke, however by the time we got there they had finished hosting the karaoke and were just playing music. That was fine for a little bit. There were few girls dancing around but considering the type guys they were hanging out with, a couple of guys that thought they were gangsters complete with low pants and ball cap on weird, they were not my type and was paying more attention to the other room that had more possibilities. Heck where we sat we didn’t get the normal waitress; the normal waitresses were wearing black ball caps, white tank tops, tight black shorts, black socks, and white shoes while ours waitress had on jeans and an Indians jersey (I kinda felt gyped). Well anyhow while we were there the music they played actually devolved. They started out playing 311 and within about 5 songs went to playing some poor excuse for a rap song that talked about nothing other than “booty shakin’” so when the Knight yelled over the music if I wanted to go get something to eat I quickly said yes.

So from there we went to Denny’s mainly because it was going on 2 in the morning and nothing else is open. After we were seated our waitress came up to us for our drink orders and I swear she had a Charisma of about 19 or20. We had various discussions ranging from Midsummers to comic books (man I love being a geek). Well anyhow it was here that I learned something I never knew, people in about their 60’s are funny when they are drunk. It was funny because they were acting like they were about 30 years younger. This one lady was so drunk she was flirting with a guy in another booth and even went to sit next to him for a few minutes. Then another more sober elder lady was complaining to a pair of cops that were trying to leave about people in some bar selling alcohol to drunken people. We ended up leaving at this time and so were the poor officers. I could tell that they took the ladies compliant lightly. After this we just ended the night.

The funny thing is I tried to start this blog at 4 AM but was so tired I laid back onto my bed after doing a few of these “iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” and got back up to continue it at about 9 AM which is why I’m so glad that I do post early in the morning otherwise I would’ve been out of this competition long ago.

Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day: “Circulate the bar and offer to trade piggyback rides for free drinks. (If a guy wants a ride, he better make it a double.)

Wow that sounds like a quick way to get drunk for free, although I may have to limit myself with it due to my back not being the best.

650 Words.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Rock N Roll Hall of Fame and the countdown.

So today made the decision to watch a program on my DVR today that I had been skipping over because I only recorded it to see the tail end of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Fuse. Well I still missed the end of the concert but I figured since it was a number one countdown show of Hall of Fame artists I figured what the hell I’ll watch it anyway. It was very interesting considering I ended up singing along to every video even the Madonna “Vogue” video. Well while watching it I noticed a few things about most of the videos or songs that I didn’t notice before. So I figured I’d go ahead and list the videos to the best of my memory and give my thoughts on them. So here goes.

The number ten video was Queen’s Under Pressure (aka the song that Vanilla Ice ripped off for “Ice Ice Baby”). The one thing I did not know about this song was the fact that Queen had a very special guest vocalist on this song, the one and only David “Ziggy Stardust” Bowie. The sad part was after knowing that Bowie sang background vocals on the song I did hear it but up until that point I thought it was just Freddie Mercury.

After that the next one they played was, I think, was Prince’s “Little Red Corvette”. Yes that’s right Prince is in the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame he was inducted alongside such great acts as ZZ Top and George Harrison in 2004. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoy his music, heck “When Doves Cry” is one of my all time favorite songs, but I just had no idea he was in there.

The next video they showed was “Rock the Casbah” by The Clash. Wow this was defiantly an 80’s video I mean I remember when it was in high rotation on MTV but seeing this and then seeing newer videos it just amazes me. The thing that caught my eye was the fact that the video was starting to remind me of a bad joke, “So a Rabi and an Arab are driving around Texas …” wow the 80’s were great, we didn’t have to worry about being politically correct.

The next one was “Vogue” by Madonna. All’s I can say about that video was I completely forgot how hot she was when she was younger, but now that she’s in her 50’s she’s more plain looking to me. Then of course who can forget the infamous cone bustier with what looked like she stuck two ice-cream cones to her chest.

After that they finally got back to rock with “Back in Black” by ACDC. Now this whole show was taped at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame annex in NYC and throughout the show they showed various displays. Well before this video they showed Angus Young’s school boy outfit. I found out that he first put it on as a dare and the crowd liked it so much that he made it his gimmick.

After that they played was the song “Drive” from one of REM’s best albums. Although I think they could have chosen a better song from it I would have picked either “Everybody Hurts” or “Man on the Moon” but whatever.

Now the next song they played was a true classic Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.” What little I saw of this video, thanks to my sister’s dog insisting on shutting my singing up by attempting to attack my face and ears with her tongue, was that I could swear that the dancers in the club were doing the thriller dance. I mean you’d think he’d have come up with something different.

The number three song they played on the countdown was another 80’s classic “Walk This Way” by Run DMC and Aerosmith. The funny thing is this version was almost never made. Run and DMC didn’t want to cover a rock song, but Jam Master Jay convinced his band mates otherwise and the rest is history.

The number two song on the countdown was “Where the Streets Have No Name” by U2. Seeing this video made me realize how much intestinal fortitude Bono has. He saw that the cops were going to shut down the concert before it could even start so he just says screw it and starts playing anyhow until the cops finally get to the roof of the building and make him go.

Then they saved the best for last, “One”, by Metallica. I just love this song and the video is amazing. I just loved how when they were inducted into the hall of fame they included Jason Newsted as part of the band even though he quit the band almost ten years ago. One of the rumors I heard was that they offered Dave Mustane to be inducted with them since he was the original rhythm guitarist but he declined because “he was going to be out of the country”, but I think it was just because he’s still holding a grudge against Kirk Hammet. Oh and one final thing that caught my ear was the host comparing Kirk Hammet to George Harrison.

So that was my viewing experience I’d love to hear what you all think of the songs or videos.

Random Bachelor Card of the Day: ”Find a scary, muscle-bound guy at the bar and challenge him to an arm-wrestling match (or just ask to take a sip of his drink).

Yeah this is one of those that I’d love to watch someone else do it but I wouldn’t want to do it.

949 Words. Sorry it was so long but once I get into talking about music I sorta loose track.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An intro to One Breath.

Wow so now the contest is down to the final four. We have Stray Hairs whom writes some lengthy blogs that are pretty interesting, then you have The Priestess Warrior who also writes some long ones that are interesting oh and by the way since you like dragons keep your eyes glues to my Dragon God story because after a while you will definitely see many stories with them in it, after that we have the Hobbit she is a wonderful person whose blogs I love reading and am happy to so I am good friends with her, however the final competitor is me and I don’t plan on loosing I don’t care if during the middle of the night I have to sneak over to the college and use their Internet to post during Midsummers since from what I have been told we are still required to blog during Midsummers but we will see. There was a rumor going around that during that weekend we would be able to call a truce, and that’s one rumor that I hope comes true.

Well enough of my babbling on about my future victory. Since I’ve had so much fun telling you all about the different stories of my past I figured since today was a boring day I’d do another Eric story. This one deals with when he was in a great metal band by the name of One Breath. One breath was starting to become a really great band with a huge following when it came down with the fatal disease known as Lead Singers Disease. Lead Singers Disease is a common band killer it happens when the lead singer’s head just keeps on growing and growing until it pops. That is a sad day because everyone has put hard work into the band however the singer thinks that he can just run the band booking shows without consulting other band members.

Now before anyone asks me no I do not play an instrument or sing , I was the drummer’s (my best friend Eric’s) own personal roadie, drum technician, and so on. Basically I would set up the drum set and test the microphone levels on them as well.

Seeing as I only have a few more words left I’ll do a brief talk about when they opened up for the band Mushroomhead. Yes that’s right they opened for them in the in the same place that was starting to become a normal place for them to play. Well I’ll tell you the full story another day since I am falling asleep while writing this.

Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day: “Offer to buy a drink for the first girl who delivers her thong to you.”

Not sure if I’d want that dare or not because I’m not sure I’d want it after she was wearing it that’s kinda gross.
482 Words.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Chapter in the Spee-D-Foods Saga

Well yesterday I had so much fun talking about some of my past experiences that I figured tonight I’d do a different chapter the chapter I will call the Spee-D-Foods Saga since this mainly deals with the year or so I worked at a convenience store in Stow, OH by the name of Spee-D-Foods. Working there was like watching a soap opera and occasionally being sucked into the storylines.

Well first of all let me do the whole disclaimer thing. The stories you are about to read are true to the best of my knowledge and memory names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent. Ok now that that’s out of the way let me introduce you to the main cast of characters. First there is Rick, the store manager; then you have Rick’s wife and mother to their son, also an employee, by the name of Missy; another key player was a fellow employee who became the assistant store manager Stacy. There are other minor characters but for today’s part of the saga I’ll start with the juiciest story of all.

Our story began around Thanksgiving time, I think, well one day when Missy and Stacy were working together a man came in and Missy started to flirt with him. Well this guy, I’ll call him Bill, kept coming in whenever Missy would work, and they would flirt with each other. Well eventually Stacy convinced Missy to ask him out. Bill, seeing that Missy was not bad looking, said yes. Well many nights Missy and Stacy would go out and they would meet up with Bill at one of the bars.

This went on for quite some time eventually involving me to help cover. Yes, unfortunately, I helped out this little fiasco but it was mainly because I had a thing for Stacy but looking back I regret it and would not do it again. I was young, yes early twenties is young, single and had a thing for Stacy I was blinded so get over it. Anyhow back to the story, well helping them out helped me out as well you see I was offered to run a spot light for my best friend Eric at an exclusive New Year’s Eve party for a lot more money than I would have made if I worked at the store. So when Rick told me I couldn’t get it off even though Missy wanted to work it with Stacy I came up with a plan with help from Stacy and Missy. On the 29th while I was working I pretended to be getting sick so sick that I had to be sent home early by Stacy whom I was working with that night. Well I was sent home I went to Youngstown and called off on the 31st. Well the night of the 31st after the store was closed Stacy and Missy went out and partied like they planned.

This kept up for a few more months until one day after Stacy either quit or got fired, I forget which, she came in and told Rick the whole story, minus the whole part of my fake sickness. She told him how Missy and Bill even made out in the restroom and how they would make up stories to tell Rick so that he would watch the security tape of days other than when Bill and Missy would make out in the store. Rick confronted Missy about it and they fought. Missy even yelled at me thinking I told and Rick yelled at me for not telling him. After things calmed down Missy apologized to me and things got back to normal, or as normal as they can be at Spee-D-Foods.

Random Bachelor Card of the Day: “Find a girl with a cell phone. Ask for her number. Then, go back to your table and call her. Ask her if she thinks you’re hot. (or talk dirty to her)”

That could be a fun one to do, if you have a working cellphone.

676 Words

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My time at X-Fest '01 with Eric

Well I was sitting here trying to figure out what to write my blog about while at the same time trying do work on the Phoenix Projects website for our Midsummers festival when I started thinking about some of the wild times my best friend, Eric and I used to have. So I figured I’d tell at least one of the stories and I could get at least 400 words out of one of those.

First off let me tell you about what he does for a living. I’m sure many of you have been to a concert of some kind, weather it was a huge one or a small one most concerts all have one thing in common; stage lighting. Well Eric’s job is to bring the lights, set them up, and sometimes does the show. Well many times I would help him out and in return I would get in to the concert for free.

Of all the times I helped him out I would have to say my favorite was the 2001 Pittsburgh X-Fest. First off the bands playing there included Staind, Fuel, Disturbed, Saliva, Crazy Town, and Train which considering at the time Disturbed and Saliva weren’t even popular enough to play on the main stage it was pretty cool. Well one of the cool things was the crew and the rock stars both ate in the same catering room at the same time and when I went to eat Aaron Lewis was in there so in a way I can say I ate with Aaron Lewis.

Although I’d have to say the best part of it was this one girl who was working event security. She had blonde hair, that was either braided or in a slight dreadlock I can’t remember which with I think pink and/or blue ribbons in it, and blue eyes. If I remember correctly I think she was in her late teens to early twenties like I was at the time. Anyhow I remember being in one of my rare moods where I had the courage to go up to her and carry on a conversation with her a few times. If I remember correctly her parents owned a local furniture store or something. At one point during the day long concert she was telling me how she was hungry so I went back to catering and grabbed either an apple or a banana and brought it to her. Well as the night wound down we still talked and I planned on talking to her again after the concert but unfortunately things did not work out that way since she left before I got finished.

Anyway that was the time Eric and I went to X-fest as time goes on I’ll tell some of the more wild things we’ve done like the time I got literally stoned in the park, or maybe even the times we made the crazy videos or even one of the many gigs I went on with him and his band One Breath. Who knows what story I’ll remember next?

Random Bachelor Card of the Day: “Regardless of what song is playing, invite a cutie to dance the Macarena.”

Well that card could be interesting depending on the song it could hilarious too.

546 Words.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Return of the Dragon Gods Part 4

Well it’s officially a new week so that means another part of my story “Return of the Dragon Gods”. The past few parts of the story have dealt with the main villain of the story which is also the main character of these stories, Zanroar. Well this time around I’ll focus on the other villains. I’ll start with the doppelganger and maybe in this part I shall go on with the others. Well enough talking let’s get on with the story.

After about a week of trudging around with the party of adventurers and trying many times to steal the Rod of Falzure from the gnome that took it, the doppelganger came up with a plan. He needed to get away from the group first though. He left his room and went downstairs.

As he got down there the crazy Dwarven cleric who shaves his beard constantly, was down there so he went up to him trying to keep his cover. “So Neetch, are we going to go clear out that prison today or what?” Neetch just looks at him and says, “Cookie!” and then gets up and walks away. The doppelganger went to get up when the group’s bard comes down the stairs. “Make way for the great Zoey Stardust.” She yelled as she made her way down the stairs. Neetch yells to her, “Pass the remote.”

Later in the day when Neetch and the group’s half orc barbarian Ront went off to “check out the prison situation” and the paladin, rogue, and bard left somewhere in town he made his move. He took a horse and traveled to an ancient set of ruins and stood there outside. “Hey dumbass I need a favor.” He yelled. Nothing happened. “Listen, if we’re going to bring back the true Gods we need the Rod of Falzure and some idiot gnome has it. The gnome would be easy if he wasn’t always around this group of adventurers including this crazy nut job cleric of Erythnul.” Suddenly one of the gargoyles stood up. “Listen just because you’re Zanroar’s pet doesn’t mean you can boss me around. I’ll do you this favor but you’d better think twice before calling me a dumbass again. So what do you want me to do?” “Come to the town of Firechester and start attacking the Dirty Wish Inn yelling for the rod. Just leave the rest to me. I promise you this will be the last favor I ask of you ever.” the doppelganger said as he walked away.

Hours later the gargoyle attacked the inn. The gargoyle ended up getting killed during the fight. “I told him I wouldn’t ask him any more favors.” the doppelganger thought to himself. Now everyone was starting to gang up on the gnome trying to get a hold of the rod. Finally the paladin told the group, “Do what it takes to get the rod.” Neetch, Ront, and the doppelganger fought Fitz (the gnome) until he was he was dead. Before the doppelganger could grab the rod, the rogue Halfling grabbed it and gave it to the paladin.

The party picked up their fallen comrade and headed towards the temple the doppelganger followed along until he came up with a plan to grab the rod. He walked up to the paladin and told her that he’d run ahead and let the temple‘s clerics know they were coming, and ran ahead. When he got to the temple he snuck up on the high cleric and slit his throat from behind. Then with the High Cleric dead he could easily pose as the high cleric and the idiots would just hand him the rod. He quickly changed into the high cleric and met the party at the door. “Ah your friend told me you’d be coming. I’ll gladly take that evil rod from your hands.” The paladin handed the rod over to him. “Good. Now you can just go down that hallway and you can heal your friend’s wounds.” He said as he pointed down the hallway. As they went down the hall way he quickly threw the rod in his satchel and changed into a nondescript human and ran off to meet up with Zanroar.

703 Words.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weeding in the rain. Oh what a glorius feeling.

Well the majority of my day was spent weeding out the area where we do our barbequing, however the Gods decided it would be even funnier if I did it in the rain. I started out in the one corner and everything was fine a little hot but fine none the less. Well after I came back out after a break from the midday sun. I yanked a few more weeds and then it started raining a little bit, I figured no big deal it’s only water. Then after that Zeus decided to taunt me into going back inside with his thunderbolts. At first I just ignored them, and then he started getting closer. So I figured ok fine I guess I’m done for the day. Wrong!

About an hour later the rain stopped so I decided to go back out. Guess what happened after I pull a few more weeds. That’s right it rains again this time a little harder, but I just keep going. Then Zeus decides that it was so much fun watching me scramble inside the house that he starts taunting me again. Once again after the first few thunderbolts I do nothing, so he says ok fine then and lights up the sky. Seeing that I once again drop everything and run inside and of course as I run in I hear the thunder and I swear it sounded like a chuckle.

Well a few hours later the rain dies down and I go back out. I’m sure you can guess what happens next. The rain starts picking up little by little until once again the Gods open up the floodgates. This time I decided heck with it I’m just going to stay out here and finish the job. Besides all the rain was making it a lot easier to pull the weeds out of the rocky area that shouldn’t even have plant life but unfortunately someone was a little too lazy when they set it all up there. What was supposed to happen was they were supposed to put some black plastic down before they put down the rocks.

Anyhow back to the story, so this time I figured I’ll just stay out here and finish my job. I’d say I was out there for another hour or so before I finished most of it. Then Zeus decided to taunt me again. Well this time I’d finally finished weeding and cleaning the barbeque area for the most part and came in the house. I was so wet that I literally had to peel the shirt off of my body. Well after I took my shower I had to grab some groceries from my parents’ car, and big shocker the rain had left already. So anyhow that’s how my day went ended up all wet

Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day: “Approach a hot chick, bend over, and say, ‘Mommy,I’ve been a bad, bad boy. I think I need a spanking.’”

Wow I could say so much about that with many of my friends but I won’t because I have to stay family friendly .

521 words.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Phoenix Projects website comercial disguised as a blog

Let me preface this blog by saying while in some places this may sound like I’m griping, I can assure you all that I am not and in fact I love every minute of working on the Phoenix Projects website ( it’s just that in text format it may seem this way but in vocal format you would know. Please do not think I am b*tching about my job because I in all seriousness love every minute of it.

Ah the trials and tribulations of being a web designer for a community. I just realized that I have spent a total of around seven hours sitting on my couch doing various things to improve the Phoenix Projects website, and it seems like only one hour. The funniest thing is the public won’t even see ninety nine percent of the stuff I worked on today yet.

I started the day out by going through the pictures on the FPG website from Beltaine looking for pictures that were only of members of the Phoenix Projects and all I can say is wow there was a lot of pics to go through, and a lot of stuff I missed while there. I think next time I go I’ll have to go to more things and be more active as opposed to sticking around the campsite or trying to do homework. Anyhow back to what I was talking about before I got sidetracked. One of things that amazed me while looking through the pictures was the fact that in the pictures of the Celtic games, where the Phoenix Projects’ Realms Fighters kicked some serious buttocks (once again congrats), most of the pictures were of one person granted that person is one of our fighters but still it seems a little unfair to the other fighters (no disrespect towards him as he is someone I consider a good friend). Oh well anyhow I found a lot of good pictures even some interesting ones, let’s just say (to paraphrase a great comedian) Hot dog on a Steek. I can’t wait to post them along with all the other pictures I have ranging from when the great Raymond Buckland came to visit to pictures of two of our clean ups. Another thing I have learned is that it’s hard to find open source faery pictures that are family friendly.

Although some of the other things I did for the site was trying to figure out Dreamweaver so that I can make some cool changes to the site. Well as I was going through I noticed some changes that needed to be done to our Midsummers page of events (for more info check )that if it weren’t for the Hobbit telling me I may not have known. However that’s one of the things I don’t mind, as long as I’m told things before it’s too late. Although one of the things about doing the site that does get to me is when instead of sending me an e-mail when something on the site is wrong people tend to tell other people that have very little to do with the site what’s wrong with the website, and then I have to hear it from them. This to me is the equivalent of someone finding something wrong with my work and instead of telling me they tell my boss, my boss then has to tell me, and no one likes hearing from their boss when they messed up.

Although before anyone decides to visit the site let me just warn you that it may look a little rough around the edges but like I said I’m in the process of doing a redesign and had to change some codes that affect the whole site but within the next few days maybe even tomorrow the entire site will be revamped.

Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day: “Tell a babe you really need her support— ask her to donate her bra, then wear it over your man-boobs.”

Wow you know the sad thing is I could see some of my friends doing that dare with no problem.

687 Words.

Friday, May 22, 2009

My American Idol Grievance

First off I will admit it. Yes I am a fan of American Idol. After all when the God you follow is Apollo; the Greek God of Music and the arts, among many other things, shows like American Idol where the goal is supposed to be to find the best singer sort of grab your interest. Now that the season is over and I’m sure by now everyone knows the result and who won it I can air my grievances. Although if for some reason you have been able to not find out who won yet, first of all I commend your stealthiness second you may not want to read on.

Now with that out of the way, I can get down to the business at hand. America what the hell were you thinking?!? Kris Allen as the American Idol winner? Don’t get me wrong he was a good singer and all but Adam Lambert was a much better singer. This is what happens when you have little teenage girls voting, going “I’m going to vote for Kris because he’s cute.” Hello I thought this was supposed to be a talent competition not a popularity contest. Then again I should have realized this was going to happen when they made the top four the top three and got rid of whom, in my opinion, the one person who should have been in the finals, Alison. Alison was another one that could sing better than Kris but once again the teenage girls came out in force and pushed her away for Kris. This just makes me sick that America can’t get a singing competition correct. Instead the misguided youth has taken it over and turned it from a talent competition into popularity contest. Although I hope that some of the other factors didn’t play into it like the fact that Adam openly admitted to kissing another man, or the fact that Kris is a devout Christian. Oh well enough about that I know that both Adam and Alison will make albums hopefully they will out sell Kris’s album and Kris ends up getting a career like Taylor Hicks.

Well since I got some words to fill in and I’m done with that subject I’ll move on to a new one. Well my random method of hitting a random letter on the keyboard while the cursor is in the yahoo search box came up with a pretty ironic subject. I say this is ironic because while writing this blog I was talking to the Hobbit on YIM and were just discussing the same subject which is tattoos. Well anyhow a lot of people in the community have been talking about tattoos and some of them even have gotten some. Well I currently do not have any tattoos but for, at the very least, 10 years now I’ve been saying that on my arms I will get a dragon on one and a wizard on the other. I think that this will look good on me. However I’ll dive further into this subject in another blog since I’m far enough into my cushion that I don’t have to worry about if the judges will count some of my words as one when Word counted them as two, and I can’t really think of what else to say on the subject at this time.

Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day: “Convince a hottie to buy you a Funky Monkey if you make monkey sounds and do a monkey dance on the bar. (Check with management first. Don’t get your ass thrown out.)

That would be one I’d love to see someone do but would hate to be the one that got that card because thanks to my new shell breaking initiative I’d have to do it.

633 Words.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Circle peves and talents

Ok so since yesterday I decided to do my story instead of answer the challenges that were made I will answer them now. Yesterday both The Hobbit and The Priestess Warrior issued challenges; The Hobbit issued the challenge of telling what some of your pet peeves are when it comes to circles and along with the reverse side of that being what do you like the most about public circles and gatherings, while The Priestess Warrior issued the challenge to tell about your special gifts or talents.

I will start with the second challenge since it will be a little bit easier. I’d like to think I’m kind of an empath, however with me I usually can only feel the negative emotions in people mainly sadness. No matter how much a person tries to hide it I can usually feel it. I have found that this can be both a blessing and a curse. I have always enjoyed helping people and doing whatever was necessary to make them happy again. This is how it can easily be a blessing; however one instance in particular was when it became a curse for me. That instance was about a year ago when my grandfather passed away. We had the whole family over for Mother’s Day and when he passed on at first I was fine then when it set in for everyone else I could feel everyone’s pain; I felt my Grandmother’s, my mother’s, my uncle’s, my sister’s, my cousin’s, and even all of the friends of his and my grandmother’s that would come by. It was very overwhelming and the worst part of it was when I went into the room he was in I could feel nothing in the room at all after he died yet before he died I could feel his presence in the room. His funeral was even worse as was his burial. All of the sadness of everyone felt like it was just being attracted to me.

Another talent I’ve noticed is that I can see the romantic links between two people and weather the link is strong or weak. This is one that is still very new to me but the first time it jumped out at me was at the clean-up. Before anybody had told me or they made any moves towards each other I instantly felt a big connection between Peanut and (I’ll use the term that someone else used for him before due to lack of a better one) Twig. The moment I saw them both at the same place at the same time I was practically blown away. Later I found out that I was correct and they were in fact a couple.

Ok now for the First challenge, my pet peeves about circles and what I like about them. For me this is a difficult one due to that fact that I’m still learning in the craft and don’t fully understand all there is to know. I really don’t have any major peeves about circles other than the one that Hobbit mentioned about talking, but I was just taught that it was common courtesy not to talk when other are talking because that is rude. As far as things I enjoy once again the Libra in me is taking over and I can’t think of anything that really stands out that I enjoy the most. I enjoy pretty much everything there is about circles and gatherings, especially the people. There is just not one thing that I can say I like or dislike above all else, everything is pretty much equal. Then again I’m so easy going that not much does bother me.

Today’s Random Bachelor Dare Card is: “Get a girl to laugh … without talking to her.”
That one sounds easy but I guess depending on the person or the girl it could be harder than it seems.

650 words.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Return of the Dragon Gods Part 3

To my fellow WARP contestants I know that two of you have issued challenges but I will just have to answer them tomorrow as after going to see Star Trek today I have been hit with a ton of creative energy and have been compelled to write part 3 of my story, so do not fret I am not ignoring your challenges I am just delaying my responses to them.

For everyone else I bring you part three of my weekly story “Return of the Dragon Gods”

While wait for his minion the doppelganger to bring him the Rod of Falzure, Zanroar called a meeting of his generals. These generals included some of the most vile and despicable beings known. Sitting to the left of Zanroar was Lord Shieldheart whose family hatred of the Dwarven kingdom of Stormforge goes back generations to his grandfather who kidnapped the Dwarven Prince Nanar and had a curse put on the kingdom. To the left of Lord Shieldheart sat Gix a kobold and the greatest assassin known, he has been successfully contracted to take care of business for hundreds of shady characters. Across the stone table from Gix was a human ranger by the name of Pandak Droverson however to many he was known as The Laughing Bastard due to his many “conquests” and the unwanted illegitimate children that he has sired, rumor has it that he has sired over fifteen children. Sitting to the right of Pandak was Ruzajor a polymorphed black dragon who is so old that when the Dragon Gods fell he was but a hatchling. Finally sitting at the head of the table next to Zanroar was a woman shrouded in darkness who had key information about the location of the rod of wonder.

Zanroar spoke up. “Welcome I have invited you all here because you are the most vile beings known to man. Each of you will have a critical role to play in the new world that I am making. Once the true Gods have been freed I shall rule this plane and all who dare to stop me will be powerless to put up a fight. My associate here has graciously given us the information needed to acquire the rod of wonder needed to open the seal that has held back our Gods for too long. In three months time we will use the power of both rods at the peak of the 3000th Atheirdarastrix celebration in Firechester when the moon is fully dark . Now as payment for your services so far I will be giving each of a special potion of resurrection, from this point forward if you were to fall at the hands of your enemy then after a few minutes you shall awaken fully healed. As another service I shall give each of you your choice of draconic grapht.”

As he finishes up a gnome walks up to Zanroar and whispers something in his ear.

“It seems that my doppelganger should be arriving right on schedule with the Rod of Falzure. Shieldheart, I will need your castle to serve as a meeting point for my minion to give me the rod.” Zanroar said
530 words

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Premature Cancelation

Ok so no story tonight. Sorry but I didn’t have the time or mental power to come up with exactly what I want to do in the next part of the story, and since writing out the story ahead of time is against the rules you will all have to wait another day or two.

I did however come up with something to blog about, television shows that canceled too soon. Over the years there have been many television shows that I grew attached to because of their great stories and then before the story can continue the show gets canceled. This, to me, is a huge peeve. Although I’d have to say that the network most responsible for canceling shows way too soon is NBC. In just recent years shows like Journeyman, My Own Worst Enemy, and maybe even Knight Rider have been canceled by NBC. This pisses me off to the extreme because what do they put on instead of intelligent shows that actually require acting? Reality shows and Game shows.

It seems like every time I turn around one of the networks is putting on another reality show. The worst part is the fact that most of these reality shows are carbon copies of other reality shows but sometimes with celebrities instead of nobodies. It seems like ever since Survivor became a hit the networks have decided that they should pollute the airwaves with any kind of reality show they can think of. What the hell happened to TV that was enjoyable? Now don’t get me wrong there are a few reality shows that are actually good, shows like the juggernaut that is American Idol. The thing that gets me the most is I hear about all kinds of people that enjoy these shows and yet they still get canceled. The networks complain about ratings but yet they put these shows on at the same time as other shows that are guaranteed to win ratings.

The funny thing is this was all inspired by a show on Fox that is returning that is just the type of show I’m talking about. The show I am happy about the renewal of is Joss Weldon’s show Dollhouse with my favorite actress Eliza Dushku staring in it. However there is one show I’ve not heard anything about yet and I’m starting to think that it might not be coming back. That show is Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles. I have a little bit of hope though now that Dollhouse has been renewed. These two shows were Fox’s Friday night lineup and if one was picked up then the other one hopefully will follow right along with it.

Today’s Random Bachelor Card Dare of the Day is: “Convince two guys to slow dance together while you sing “Take My Breath Away.”

Considering some of the guys in our group I don’t think that finding two guys to slow dance with each other would be a big problem, however the singing part I’m not so sure of only because I can’t think of how that song goes right now. While I’m at it the Knight said that the next time we go to Ybor we are going to act the fool, well I think the next time we go I’ll bring my deck of cards and we can do some dares as a friendly little competition.

565 Words.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Pure Randomness

This blog is randomness at its finest. I was having a hard time trying to think of what to say so I just hit random letters in the search box and went from there. At this point I have no idea what I will talk about. Tomorrow I might give you part three of The Return of the Dragon Gods story.

Well I’ve been trying to find a way to go see the new Star Trek movie, especially since so many of my friends and family have seen it, and my last idea to go see it with my father fell through, however I acquired some money and plan on seeing tomorrow. I bring this up because during our conversation with my father last night my sister mentioned downloading the movie and I don’t really understand why people do this. Why is it people feel the need to download movies to watch them on their small in comparison computer screens? I think this is one of the many things that I will never understand. I can understand watching DVDs on the computer because by that time the movies have been through the theater. In my opinion the best way to see a movie is in the theater on the big screen in the comfortable theater chair. Then you have people who download movies that haven’t even come out in theaters yet like the recent Wolverine movie. This movie was not even finished yet and people downloaded it, watched it, and don’t care to see the movie in the theater but yet complain about how the movie wasn’t that great. Well I can firmly say that I will not download any movies, music on the other hand is different. I have no problem downloading music. Music is meant to be enjoyed anywhere. You don’t have to sit down to listen to music.

Well my next topic that came up is actresses that I like. Well there a few actresses that I enjoy watching the movies of, the first of these actresses that I enjoy watching is the beautiful and intelligent Julia Styles. I have enjoyed watching her in movies since I first saw the movie “10 Things I Hate About You” which was based off of the Shakespeare play “Taming of the Shrew”. In fact Julia is the only actress to have been in the most modern Shakespeare movies she’s been in two more. Although my favorite actress is Eliza Dushku, I think the main reason I like her is the fact that in most of her roles she plays a strong woman that would have no problem telling you how she felt. I first saw her in the movie “True Lies” with Arnold Schwarzenegger playing his daughter; however I really fell in love with her when she played Faith in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day: ”Get a group of guys to serenade a sweet thing with “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’”. Use your beer bottles as microphones a la Top Gun.”

That could be fun although I doubt I could get many of my friends to do that.

524 words

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ybor City Adventures

Wow what an interesting night! What started off as a few friends going to a local bar to do some karaoke turned into us going clear down to Ybor City and seeing many interesting sites.

It all started because my sister (Laziest Overachiever), my other sister, her best friend and roommate, and the Hobbit all decided to go out clubbing instead of our usual Saturday night routine of playing Dungeon’s and Dragons. Well since a good chunk of our players were not going to be there due to having a girl’s night out we made the decision to have a guy’s night out, so The Bruised Knight, the husband of the Hobbit, the husband of the Druid, and I went out to have some fun.

We started off going to a sports bar called Overtime, however the was a band playing there and the chances of the Knight and I finding any fair maidens were pretty slim so we made the decision to go somewhere else. After driving south on 19 for a while we made the decision to go down to Ybor City as well. First though we decided to stop to get something to eat, so we went to McDonald’s. Well it was pouring down rain and the poor girl working at the speaker could not here a thing so she was asking us to give our orders at the first window. Well we got there and two of us gave our order to the poor girl. When we told her we had a third order we were told we had to go around again so we went around a second time and gave our order after this they realized I hadn’t ordered and told me that since I had no money they would pay for me, so we went around a third time and gave our order to the poor girl whom I’m sure by now was sick of seeing us. Well after I got situated with my food (opening my sandwich wrapper and putting my straw in my drink) we were off.

As we were driving down 41 I found something out about my friend, Druid’s husband, he is quite the back seat driver. As we were coming upon the split to go either to Dale Mabry or continue on to 41 he first said to go one way then the other, luckily at this point my memory kicked in and I was able to go the correct way all the way until we got off of 275. It was after getting off of 275 that senility set in and I went the wrong way. Thankfully through a combination of road signs and my memory of the area I was finally able to get us to Ybor City.

After driving down the strip for a little bit while maneuvering around the city to find a parking place The Bruised Knight and I saw all kinds of beautiful maidens and were quickly distracted. Once we finally found a parking place we were off.

After walking down the strip seeing all sorts of shinies we first made the trip to Gameworks to utilize the facilities. While there we quickly made the decision that if the Knight and I were to find any maidens we would have to go elsewhere. From there we got a little lost and I caught a glimpse of a few interesting and shiny maidens that were getting a drink from the Coke machine as opposed to their castle to which they obviously belonged. It was after that that I made the decision that adding The Castle to places to check out for the night would not be such a bad idea.

We next wondered to Coyote Ugly. Along the way there though the poor Knight had “fallen in love” quite a few times. Once we got to the Coyote Ugly Saloon we witnessed two very beautiful maidens singing and dancing on top of the bar. The best part was when some guy’s girlfriend paid for him to get what I can imagine is a penalty shot. The guy walked up to the bar and one of the Coyotes wrapped a towel around his eyes and used a belt to hold his head back, she then proceeded to pour Jack Daniels down his throat straight from the bottle, after that she grabbed a sharpie and lifted the back of his shirt to write something on his back, and finally after writing on his back she used the belt and whipped him 2 or 3 times on his derriere. Unfortunately I could tell that Druid’s husband wanted to leave so as we left I took a mental picture of the many fine maiden coyotes.

Our party then proceeded to walk around a little bit and finally went to The Castle. Before we even got in the door I “had fallen in love” with the fair maiden at the door . We then proceeded to become engulfed a mixture of techno music, leather and interesting maidens. While there we ran into my sisters, the Hobbit and their friend. All’s I can say about that experience is wow my one sister and the Hobbit were definitely having a good time has they both had consumed much liquid courage. We stayed at the Castle for a little bit and I must admit I “fell in love” with one of the beautiful maidens dancing upon one of the pillars. However I must say while there were many things there I enjoyed seeing there was one in particular thing I did not care to see at all. I would explain this thing but since I have to keep this family friendly for right now just say a few words and leave the rest up to your imagination. Slightly overweight, mesh hammock. Well after that we proceeded to go home although we made a quick unscheduled drive through the ghettos we each did finally make it nice and safe to of our homes.

The Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day: “Do a tequila shooter, but lick the salt from the neck of a sexy stranger.”

That sounds like something that would have been fun to do last night.

1,037 words. Sorry it was so long but last night was so interesting and fun that I even after condensing it there was a lot of stuff to write about.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How I came to be known as Romeo without a Juliet

Well while thinking of a topic to write about today I realized that many of you have seen and called me by my other online name Romeo without a Juliet. In fact way back at the New Year’s party The Bruised Knight even introduced me as Romeo without a Juliet. So I figured I’d explain how I acquired that name. I’m going to warn you right now though it is a long but interesting story.

It all started way back ten years ago in the year 1999 I was working at McDonald’s and so was this girl named Stacy. Well before long after getting to know her I started developing a crush on her. Well I told a few of my coworkers and for some strange reason my boss Marie. Well on MLK Day that year she came into work and one of the people whom I told, Jeff, was having a conversation with her and Marie the whole time they kept looking back at me from the front counter in front of the bin. Well since I’m a paranoid guy when it comes to that kinda stuff I thought that they said something to her. So after talking it over with my friend Ben I decided that since she already knew I liked her then it wouldn't hurt to ask her out.

So about a week later as I was leaving for work I asked her if I could talk to her, and she asked me to come back later when she was on her break. Well I came back later nervous as hell and she was sitting down in the booth. So I sat down in the other side and stammered out something close to "You probably guessed this was coming since you know I like you so here it goes. Stacy would you like to go out with me?" This came as a big surprise to her since up until that point she did not know that I liked her. I found out this little bit of information from her response. She responded by saying, "Dave, I didn't know you liked me no one told me, but I'm in the middle of trying to get out of a bad relationship and I have to see where I'm going to go from there." Now I don’t know about all of you but to me that sounds like a big maybe. We even sat around and talked for a while after the 500 pound gorilla had left the room.

Well a few weeks later it was the week of Valentine’s Day and she received a carnation from this guy Paul. The next day I talked to Marie about it and she told me that Paul was trying to go out with her as well and that was his way of trying to get with her. Well I for some reason decided that I would play along with this game and decided that anything he could do I could do ten times better. He thought he’d be romantic and gave her a cheap carnation from school. Well I figured I can easily out romance him.

I checked the schedules to see what time she was working on Valentine’s Day and came into the store that day with a dozen red roses, a card with a poem entitled, “Why do I Love You?" in it that I copied by hand from a book, and a stuffed dog holding a heart that read, “ I Wuff You”. Unfortunately Paul was also working at the same time so he was doing everything he could to disrupt the moment including stacking up cups like a pyramid and knocking them down. Well after a while he had the nerve to come up to me and tell me to back off because he was trying to work on her as well and the tension was too much or something like that. Well I said my goodbyes and I left.

A few weeks later even after word had gotten around about what I had done she chose to go out with Paul. Well after hearing that one of my managers came out and said Stacy was stupid for choosing Paul over me, “a regular Romeo”. The funny thing is a week or so later Stacy dumped Paul because “he was a moron”. I must admit this part is true about him. This guy was a manager and when he left one day with the bank deposit he set it on top of his car and drove off leaving it for some little kids to find and thankfully turn in. Stacy and I remained friendly up until I moved away and down to Florida. I must admit though I still carry a torch for her, after all these years.

So anyhow that is how I came up with the nickname Romeo without a Juliet. I’m just a hopeless romantic who I know one day will find his Juliet, but for now I’m not actively looking I have too much going on in my life to worry about that.

Anyhow before I say something I end up regretting later (one of the perils of posting at 1 AM) I’ll present the Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day. Today’s Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day is: ”Find two ladies who will make you their ‘meat’ in their bump-n-grind ‘sandwich’ out on the dance floor”

That sounds like a lot of fun I could defiantly give that dare a try.

921 words. Sorry it’s so long but like I said an interesting story.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fears (A Formal Warp Chalenge)

Well tonight I was sitting around trying to come up with a theme for today’s blog. I was going to just pick a random letter of the alphabet put it into a search engine and see what comes up and then just blog about that. Either that or if I had a dream I’d blog about that in the morning, however I was struck or should I say almost bitten by an inspiration. Tonight I was taking out the recycling bins and my dog noticed and proceeded to annoy a wolf spider. I quickly shooed my dog away before he was bitten and tried my best to kill it from behind our screen. Luckily my step father was up and he was brave enough to attack it with and empty bottle of laundry detergent. Anyhow this brings me to the idea I have come up with.

I formally am throwing out a challenge to my fellow competitors what are you fears. Now I’m not talking about small petty fears I’m talking about fears that alter the way you would normally proceed in a situation. I personally can tell you I have two major fears and one half fear.

The first fear and my most noticeable is ophiophobia or a fear of snakes. I’m not sure how this fear got started although where I grew up in Ohio I was surrounded on two side by about an acre or more of woods. In those woods lived a bunch of snakes that just loved coming into our back yard. Granted these were just garter snakes which are harmless however when you are four or five years old seeing one on your stoop as you go outside to play on your swing set can be quite frightening. This fear must have grown throughout the years and just knowing that in Florida there are many poisonous snakes I now run like hell at the mere mention of a snake being around. (Don’t go getting any ideas Bruised Knight.)

The second of these fears is the fear of what people think of me especially in social situations. While growing up I was constantly made fun of for just about everything and now it seems I am always second guessing myself in social situations especially around new people and around cute women. I believe this has been a huge hindrance in my ability to find a woman. My friends keep saying I need to find a Miss Right Now however I can’t even walk up to a cute girl because I’m always afraid I’m going to say something wrong and botch my chance with her, or in the case of FPG them, and this fear is what keeps me so shy. When I first met my now close group of friends I barely said a word to them. This was mainly because I didn’t want to say anything that could harm a potential friendship.

The other fear is more of a half fear than anything; it is a small hint of arachnophobia. My arachnophobia is only in proportion to the size of the spider and the color of the spider. In other words most spiders don’t bother me, however the bigger the spider the more frightened I get the same goes with color, the more colorful the spider the more afraid I am. This is just mainly due to the fact that in Florida there seems to be a lot of poisonous spiders and most of these spiders are big and colorful.

So there you have it my three biggest fears; snakes, what people think of me, and big colorful spiders. Now it’s your turn.

Now for the Random Bachelor Card of the Day: “Ask the bartender to give you gifts from the Three Wise Men: Jack, Jim, and Johnny (Daniels, Beam, and Walker).”

Now that’s a dare I can do easily plus it sounds tasty.

650 Words

Thursday, May 14, 2009


So anyhow it’s that time again, time for me to blog. Unfortunately since I am also having problems with my website I’m sort of doing two things at one time. Right now I figured since I’m sort of stuck until Dreamhost sends me my darn password I’ll start to write about what has been on my mind today.

Ever since coming back from FPG Beltaine I have noticed some things happening both in my life and in the community. First I will start with the good and what’s been happening in my home since I returned from FPG. Before I left I had gotten into a few verbal arguments with my stepfather. The energy in my house was so negative that I hardly wanted to come home. Then when I came back it was like the energy in the house did a complete 180. My stepfather, who just a few months ago said something like I’m going to prey for your soul so that it does not go to hell because you are pagan (Not his exact words but pretty much his meaning.), has been asking me intelligent questions about paganism and even went as far as having me talk to the air conditioner guy. You see the air conditioner guy was wearing a pentacle around his neck and apparently he mentioned to my stepdad that he had no idea where to go around here for pagan events. So my stepfather comes and gets me so that I can help the guy out and tell him about our wonderful community (or at least when it wants to be) and the various events and places to go. I proceeded to tell him about Java and Jam on Tuesday nights, I told him about our website ( and told him about the wonderful list of events (that I need to update and add to) that are on the main page, I even pimped out our Midsummer event, and when he asked about a place where he could buy magickal supplies I directed him to Magickal Mayhem in New Port Richey. So needless to say it has been weird here in my home but a good weird.

Now I’ll talk about the bad. The other thing I have noticed since coming back from FPG is all of the negative energy that seems to be floating around the community and growing rapidly. This saddens me because at FPG the vibe and the energy there was mostly good. This is one of the things I am looking forward to at Midsummers, all the good energy. I am seriously hoping that all of the negative energy that has been floating around stops soon because after all the good energy is what makes this community so great. I will admit that I may have stirred up a small portion of it however when I realized this I backed away. I’ve been hearing about too many people having a problem with The Bruised Knight, whom I consider to be a close personal friend that I will stand by, but no one is approaching him about it instead they are running around and telling everyone else. This right here is a major cause of negative energy and I hope that it does stop soon.

Well after much consideration and demand I will bring back the Random Bachelor Dare Card of the Day. However I do not plan on doing it on story days. Anyhow tonight’s card is: “Announce to the bar that your friend is getting married and would like to have one last fling, so you’ll buy a drink for the first woman who gives him a condom.”

Wow that was an interesting card and a fun one as well.

622 words.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Return of the Dragon Gods (Part 2)

Well I was sitting around trying to come up with a blog for today since I wanted to try to only tell the story one time per week. However the Gods would not have it and the great Apollo has decided to sick one of his muses on me. So for those of you that enjoyed my story you are in for a treat because part two is being told so sit back and enjoy part two of “The Return of the Dragon Gods.”

The evil half dragon wizard Zanroar walked up to the priests of Falzure.

“So do you have the rod?” he asked.

“Yes we do. However are you sure you can get the other rod, and what about this second magic user you need according to the prophecy.” The high priest said while carefully holding a rod made of pure onyx etched with runes and topped with a skull of a kobold, The Rod of Falzure.

“Of course, I have everything working out to perfections. Soon the true Gods will be upon us and we will be rewarded greatly for our loyalty.”Zanroar snapped. He swiped the rod from the priest almost scratching him with his claws in the process. “Now if you excuse me I have some business to take care of.” He continued.

Hours later Zanroar is in the sewers of Bailey’s Point discussing his plans to his minion explaining what is needed of him. After a few days of monsters escaping the sewers a team of adventurers come in and destroy the monsters and steal the Rod of Falzure. When Zanroar returned and learned of this great incompetence he killed his minion. Zanroar contacted a doppelganger to get the rod back.

The doppelganger stalked the party of adventurers for miles sizing them up. When the party reached the city of Firechester he mingled with the crowds that were enamored with the party’s newest member. After studying them for a few days he formulated a plan. He went to the upper class side of town and informed the owner of The Dirty Wish Inn of the great bard singing on the poor side of the city. When the adventurers came to the Dirty Wish Inn they each went to their rooms.

When the half-elf druid got to his room he was ambushed. The doppelganger attacked the druid with a dagger. The dagger hit the druid’s armor and missed. The druid unaware of the attack until it was too late drew his sword and attacked the doppelganger. The doppelganger dodged the attack with the sword and slashed the throat of the druid. Not wanting to make a scene by carrying out the corpse of the druid he threw it in the corner. Now the doppelganger was ready to infiltrate the party and take the Rod of Falzure and return it to Zanroar.

This is the end of part two. Hopefully I will be able to wait until next week before writing part three.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Return of the Dragon Gods (Part 1)

Last night I mentioned that I was going to try to tell part of a story once a week that takes place in and is mostly a back story and a companion story almost to my Dungeons and Dragons campaign that I have been running for a while now. So without further ado I bring you “The Return of the Dragon Gods”

The story begins in the year 613. For many centuries the Gods of the humanoids and the Gods of the dragons coexisted on the same plane of existence. However the three evil dragon Gods; Falzure, Garyx, and Tiamat grew bored of the humanoids and believed they were better than the Gods followed by the squishy humanoids, and proceeded to teach the Humanoid Gods that the Dragon Gods were more powerful. On many occasions Falzure would take the slaughtered sacrifices to Erythnul and drain them of their energy making them undead before they were slaughtered. Garyx burned a forest with many temples to the Gods down to ash and sand creating a desert leaving only a temple to him made of onyx. Tiamat would have her green and blue dragons destroy any temples not belonging to a draconic deity.

After decades of these tortures the Gods made a unanimous decision to banish the Dragon Gods. The Gods combined their magic and sealed off each of the three Dragon Gods in their home planes all to be guarded by Bahamut. However the evil three became aware of this and instituted a backup plan of sorts.

On the eve of the 3000th Atheirdarastrix celebration in the city of fire during the dark of the moon, the seals can be broken. However this can only be accomplished by two magic users of great power, each holding one of the two rods made by the Gods themselves, one being the rod of Falzure a powerful rod that can turn the living into undead made with the skull of a kobold and pure onyx and the other rod so powerful it’s effects are random but wondrous and chaotic.

So far only one of the rods has been recorded to be found. This rod was place in the powerful trustworthy hands of the Moonshadow family. The rod of Falzure has not been found at the time of this writing but it has been rumored that it was given to a clan of creatures to be kept safe.

Well I hope that you have enjoyed this first part of the story. As with most stories it is best to begin with a legend. Next story you will meet some of our main characters, but you will just have to wait until next week for the next installment of “The Return of the Dragon Gods”.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My First Official WARP blog

Well here it is my first official blog in the WARP contest. I was doing some thinking earlier and made the decision that at least once a week I will try to throw in a nice little fantasy story. This story takes place in the same world and mostly the same time as my Dungeons and Dragons campaign that I am running right now so some of you may recognize some things in the stories. There is however going to be a twist on the story telling, you see most stories are told from the direct point of view of the heroes, well this story will be told from the perspectives of the villains. There may be times when the villains come across the party of adventurers that my campaign follows which will more than likely be quite entertaining.

Wow I’ve had a busy weekend of tech. It all started Friday when I proceeded to transfer and get rid of all the information, files, pictures, and videos from my home desktop computer because we are planning on selling it in our garage sale. I was very surprised with how much data was on it. The worst part of it was the fact that the best thing I had available to me was a used one gigabyte flash drive. So this entire process took me around eight hours or so to accomplish. Then on Saturday I spent the first half of the day tearing down the computer which was made more difficult by the fact that I had used zip ties to tie the cables together and tie the cables to the desk itself, all to eliminate everyone’s favorite thing cable spaghetti. Then once I finally got that computer taken apart I had to setup the newer computer that we acquired from my sister, Love You Laziest Overachiever. So I cleared the space, cleaned up the desk a little and proceeded to put together the computer. However, when I got to the router I struck trouble. The software for the router could not find the Internet. So after going a few rounds of the unplug the router and modem game I made a call to the tech support of the company that made the router. After finally getting a human and spending about twenty minutes spelling and respelling my name and e-mail address the lady eventually tells me that since my warranty is expired I must pay them money in order to get any help. So this left me right back to square one with no wifi Internet access, I eventually said screw it and gave up for the night. Which leads me to Sunday afternoon, I kept trying to figure out what the problem was until I eventually had a breakthrough. Well after making that proud accomplishment I decided to try my luck at printer sharing and file sharing which is not an easy task when one computer is running XP and the other one is running on Vista. Well I slew that dragon and called it a night and jumped in the pool.

A few days ago my previous blog caused a bit of a stir. I would just like to apologize to anyone who may have thought I was angry at them since this was not the case. The true purpose of that blog was to get across the point that if we are to become a strong community we need to learn how to better communicate with each other. This was not just in reference to the major thing but for little things as well like where and when a ritual is supposed to be and other small various things. Sorry for any confusion.

As for my favorite and many other people’s favorite part, the Random Bachelor Dare Card, I’ve decided to take a vote. If you think I should continue this feature even though some of the cards are a little on the PG-13 to R rated side. Please leave a comment and let me know, otherwise I will not put in this feature.

678 words. Sorry it’s a little longer than it should be but I had a lot to say.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Communication. According to the Encarta English dictionary the word communication has five meanings. The first is the exchange of information between people by means of speaking writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior. The second definition is a spoken or written message. The third definition states that communication is the act of communication information. The forth one says that communication is a sense of mutual understanding and sympathy. The fifth one is not important for my little rant here.

I just wanted to be sure that everyone knew what communication was because I have recently learned that some very important information that should have reached a friend did not reach her as quickly as it should have. From what I have been told this information became public knowledge on Monday and my friend was not informed about it until Tuesday or Wednesday, even though this information affected her directly.

For that matter I am still puzzled as to why this information was not spread across the community like wildfire. How are people supposed to defend others from bad situations that can, will, and have come up when people do not have information on what is happening or what has happened? How are we as a community supposed to watch out for each other when we do not communicate the proper information to people? Is it a matter of pride not to spread around this information for fear that it may not look good that such a tragic event happened under our noses? In my opinion it would look even worse if people in the community did not know about this, that it was hidden from the community like a skeleton in a closet. I can understand wanting to shield certain people from certain information, however I feel that this information was information that should not have been kept quiet. Especially due to the fact that once the offending situation was discovered we as a community took swift action in taking care of the situation, and that, to me, makes our community look stronger.

People are always asking how do we grow our community, how do we prevent tension between different groups in the community, how do we keep our community strong. Well I have an answer for all of that, one word COMMUNICATION. If people in the community would actually openly communicate with each other then I can guarantee that most if not all of our problems will disappear.

This does not just apply to information either this applies to all aspects of the community even rumors. If people are saying rumors about someone first tell the person spreading the rumor that it is rude to be doing so in the first place and second of all ask the rumor spreader if they even asked the person they are spreading the rumors about if the rumor was true.

Now normally this is the part where I would put in the “Random Bachelor Card of the Day” however I feel that this blog is too serious of a subject to put it in, so tomorrow I’ll give two.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Summer movies and beyond

Well Monday I went to see Wolverine, and I must say for the most part it was good. I won’t give away too much other than the fact that my favorite mutant, Gambit, was not only in the movie but had a major role in it which made me happy.

Well my second favorite character in the movie was Deadpool. This character is one of the funniest characters there is nicknamed “The Merc with a Mouth” because he is slightly insane with a small amount of ADHD. This guy is an excellent marksman and, as many will see in the movie, great with swords. Another cool thing I found out about him is he has something called “comic awareness” which basically means he breaks the “forth wall” and talks to the audience. Well apparently as of today it is official there is going to be a Deadpool movie with Ryan Reynolds playing the character once again. I for one cannot wait for this to pick up because it will be interesting to see where they go with it.

This got me thinking though as to what other Marvel Characters I’d like to see movies for so I’ll give my top five. In no particular order they are Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Cloak and Dagger, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight. These five characters I feel would be very interesting movies.

Speaking of movies I’m surprised that there are not that many big movies coming out this summer that I just have to see. Don’t get me wrong there is a handful but I’m used to there being so many that I have one almost every week that I want to see. The only ones that I can name off the top of my head that I want to see this summer are Star Trek, Terminator, Transformers, and G.I. Joe. What happened to summer having all the big block buster movies?

Well unfortunately that’s all I have for tonight. I’m sure that tomorrow I’ll have more but for now, I’ll just go into the cards. Since I missed doing it yesterday I’ll treat you all to two cards tonight.
The First “Random Bachelor Dare Card” is: “Approach a babe with peanuts and say, ‘My nuts are salty. Wanna taste?’”

Interesting. I’d love to watch some guy go up to a girl and do that just to watch him get smacked.

The second “Random Bachelor Dare Card” is: “Allow your buds to draw a large ‘tattoo’ of a naked woman — or man — on your arm using a ballpoint pen.”

Wow you’d have to be pretty trusting of your friends to do that.

438 words

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Experiences at FPG including the shiny faeries

Well it has taken me a while but I had a busy day yesterday and was still recuperating heck I still haven’t slept in my own bed yet. Anyhow the main reason, for those few of you that don’t know, that I haven’t posted in about a week is the fact that I went to a little festival called the Florida Pagan Gathering or FPG for short. First just let me say WOW! FPG Beltaine was one hell of an experience. Where to begin?

First of all I’ll begin with my campsite. One of the reasons I enjoyed what little time I had there was the fact that I felt that I got a little closer to a couple of my fellow campsite members that I was not close to before, namely the Destroyer and as my fellow blogger named him Twig and his significant other. However, there was a lot of negative energy flowing around the campsite as well which sort of bothered me quite a bit. I will not go any deeper into the negative energy other than I hope that once FPG Samhain comes around we will not have that problem.

Now another thing that was great was the fact that I got to work with an amazing person, and it got me thinking about how much I enjoyed doing that same type of work when I was helping out my best friend in Ohio and I felt inspired many times as well. The main ritual was simply amazing and I felt gave the entire festival a much needed boost of energy.

Finally I will talk about my favorite part of the festival the shinnies and my journey of attempting to capture at least one of a pair of shinies who also happen to be faeries. It all started on Thursday afternoon I was at my campsite when the shiny green faeries first appeared. They had setup campsite three hundred feet or so diagonal from our own campsite. This is funny if you think about it, the faeries gathered close to the phoenix. Anyhow back the story at hand. Later on as I was sitting at my camp I saw two of the shiniest faeries around strolling along hand in hand along the back edge of our campsite back to their own campsite. Later on that night I saw them again at the opening ritual and must’ve inhaled some faerie dust or something because from that point on I started seeing them more and more. That night I visited the fire circle and caught site of one of the things that truly made these faeries shiny. One had her blue shinies and one had red. This brought me into their spell even further.

Then Friday night is when the fun truly began. Now let me preface the rest of this with the fact that I’m very shy and introverted. I came back from my work ready to hang out and have fun with my camp mates, however when I arrived my camp mates had already left without me, so I tried to go have fun without them. As I walked down the road I ran into a group of them and joined them, however when we stopped at the campsite the party fell apart. The knight went off to have a conversation with Alisande and The Lazy Overachiever went off with the Rook. Well I thought about it for a while and made the decision to go off on my own. I went to the concert that was going on and sitting in the front row was the two shiny faeries. After a while I danced with everyone a few times and made my presence known. After the concert I went to the campsite and it was empty so I quickly went to the painting tent and waited for the beautiful Doll to paint my face and arms since I’m not comfortable with my body enough to walk around with no shirt. Anyhow while I’m waiting who shows up but the faeries, so while I’m getting waiting to get painted and getting painted the dark faerie started painting the red faerie. I must say this was a slight distraction while I was trying look into the beautiful eyes of the Doll. Anyhow the dark faerie was a really good artist, which comes in later in the story, she painted a beautiful tree with runes on both the back and front of the red faerie. Well after I got painted I went to the fire circle and found one of my camp mates standing by the water cooler so I proceeded to talk to him a little bit and told him about my hesitation in dancing around the fire circle. Not long after that moment the red faerie appeared in front of the water cooler and I was surprisingly overcome with confidence. I proceeded to tell her I liked her paint and had a conversation with her where she encouraged me to go dance around the fire along with her. So I followed her encouragement and danced around the fire until almost four in the morning.

The next night I finally got the knight to go around with me raiding the campsites. The first one we went to was the Viking camp and who shows up but the shiny faeries. Well after a while they leave and not long after that so do we. Well we proceed to go around raiding and eventually were on our way back to the campsite, and we ran into the faeries again. Unfortunately this time my brain to mouth filter must have been broken and the wrong stuff came out of my mouth and so I felt like my chance to be with the faeries was blown. I then proceeded to go to bed.

The next day I was given a couple more visions of the shiny faeries before they left. I just hope that once Samhain comes around the faeries will once again make their presence known and this time around the outcome would be different.

I’m sorry this was such a long blog (1033 words), but I just couldn’t not tell the story of the faeries. Tomorrow I should be back to my regularly scheduled blog format.